Dan Viens, Director of Operations, talks about listening, learning & leading

Dan Viens, Director of Operations, joined Gescan 23 years ago as a Warehouse Manager. With an education in business administration and a background in computer programing, Dan was hired to manage the new warehouse in Richmond, BC. "It was a big step for me because even though I had managed departments within a warehouse, I was never completely in charge of one. Gescan had just implemented a new ERP system and a warehouse management system, which wasn’t going well. It was quite chaotic. I remember thinking, ‘well, if nothing else, it'll be a good learning experience,’" said Dan.  

After a year of working through many challenges, Gescan made the difficult decision to change its supply chain strategy and close the warehouse.  "I transferred to Calgary. My job was to oversee the operations of the branches and facilities. It got very busy then onwards as I was building new facilities, we were moving branches, and we were expanding," said Dan. Five years later, Dan was asked if he would like to take over the operations in BC. In this new role, Dan was also responsible for the freight department and implementing the new training department for branch operations. 

Dan has since moved from Director of BC Operations to Operations Director for all of Gescan. 


Why Gescan?  

Before joining Gescan, Dan was actively changing jobs every several years. "As soon as I learned my job and couldn't see an opportunity to grow, I would move on. But with Gescan, I stayed. I was always learning something and was given new challenges. This made it a great place to work. I've enjoyed my career with Gescan. I was given a lot of opportunities to succeed," said Dan.   

Dan describes the work culture at Gescan, combined with Sonepar's backing, as truly unique. "It's a great organization allowing everybody to succeed in life no matter who you are. We are all different, and our ambitions may vary, but if you want to grow and learn, the opportunity is there," explained Dan.   


Leadership, listening & finding the right fit 

Dan believes the biggest responsibility of a leader is to understand how best to bring structure to everybody's day, "I think bringing structure is the biggest impact I've had with the organization."  

When you sit down and listen, you learn the most crucial parts of your business. "You get a lot out of listening and talking to people, so you don't have preconceived ideas or notions on what people can and can't do. Listen to them. Talk to them. Ask them questions. If they know you have their best interest at heart and you're going to help them succeed, they will in turn work for you as much as one can," said Dan  

In his experience, building a team with the right people is key to a successful business. Dan is always willing to wait for the best-fitting candidate. "The team is the biggest thing. If you hire right, it makes everything else much easier. You hire people with the right attitude and with a mindset for growth. You ask the right questions and understand who these people really are and how they overcome challenges," said Dan.  

To be successful in any job, Dan maintains that being self-driven is fundamental. "From the time I was delivering newspapers as a young boy until now, I always understood the importance of completing a task on time. This realization has helped me throughout my career," said Dan. “I've also always been driven to succeed by making a difference. So, it doesn't matter where I've worked; I always wanted to make a difference. I come to work every day thinking that and then working towards it,” said Dan. 


Outside of Gescan 

Dan's biggest hobby is golfing, "I golf every weekend. Every March, I go to Florida with a large group of friends." According to Dan, one of the most beautiful places to golf is Gallagher's Canyon in Kelowna. “I also like Darcy Ranch here in Calgary. I used to be a big outdoors fan and would go on hikes every weekend. I see myself getting back into it as being in nature has a big impact on my wellbeing," he added.  

Dan Viens
Director of Operations

With more than 23 years of experience doing operations for warehouses, branches, facilities and operational training in the electrical industry for one of the largest electrical distribution companies in Canada, Dan Viens knows what it takes to operate and maintain a successful business.

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